High Grain Wholemeal Bread
The USDA recommends getting at least 16 grams of whole grains during three meals, or 48 grams a day. So just what is it? What is the whole grain anyway?Whole grain is the grain seed in its pure form.Different with refined grains for examples white flour that only contain endosperm,which is the bran and the germ are not used anymore which result in the loss of its vitamins,minerals,fibers,phytonutrients and antioxidant.
Find whole grains in items like oatmeal, popcorn, brown rice, whole wheat breads, sprouted grain products, whole grain breads, and whole grain cereals. Sometimes it's hard to tell if some products are real whole grain products, so the Whole Grains Council created an official symbol called the Whole Grain Stamp. When you see it, you know that the product truly contains all parts of the grain, and in what amounts.